Bamboo, the Instrument that gives Voice to Plants!

What is Music of the Plants?

Discover a new language to understand the plant world.

Recognize the delicate interaction between man and nature.

Experience the health benefits of plant music.

Reach a new level of understanding and awe about the consciousness of nature

Since the 1970s, Damanhur — a Federation of Communities with its own constitution, culture, art, music, currency, school and uses of science and technology ( — has researched communication with the plant world. As part of this research, they created an instrument able to perceive the electromagnetic variations from the surface of plant leaves to the root system and translated them into sound. Science increasingly supports the concept that plants operate with an innate intelligence and logic diverse from our own. Music of the Plants has taken research of plant intelligence and plant perception to another level. By deciphering and registering the impulses and interactions of plants, they have developed a device that uses a MIDI interface to transform the plant’s resistance from a leaf to the root system into music. Extensive research continues today as we become conscious of the innate ability of nature to communicate with us when we have the instrument to listen.


Experiment with the Music of the Plants

Public Installations: Permanent & Temporary

When people encounter a plant as a musician, they connect to nature in a way like never before. Discovering that all kinds of plants, including trees, can express via music is moving for so many and sparks a new level of discussion about the consciousness of Nature. When you feature The Music of the Plants at an artistic or public installation, you also educate people about the relationship between plants and humans to create a sustainable society.

Wellness: Enhance Treatments & Recovery

Scientific studies show that being around plants, both indoors and outdoors, significantly improves our physical, mental and emotional well being. Doctors and holistic health practitioners alike continue to actively research the effect of The Music of the Plants in various settings, including the home, hospitals and the workplace, to better understand how music created by plants shortens recovery time and aids in overall healing.

Personal Connection with Plant Consciousness

The contact with plant intelligence allows for deeper insight into ourselves and the world around us. Studies show that plants in the home and workplace help to reduce stress, increase productivity, enhance employees’ attitudes, lower operating costs and improve air quality. A personal connection to Nature also inspires us to create a world that is eco-friendly and eco-conscious because we realize we are an integral part of Nature along with the plants.

Learning: Plants and Student-Friends for Life

The Music of the Plants explores and illustrates the fundamental tenant that all life is connected. By providing a practical experience of plant intelligence through their music, students of all ages can perceive the intricate relationship between humans and Nature, ushering in a new era of respect for our environment. You will never forget the first time you were finally able to hear the invisible sounds of nature.

Services & Music CDs

with Teresa Helgeson
Using 100% Natural and Pure Music
​from Living Plants and Trees
to ‘Sing’ you Back to Health

Plant Music Therapy™ is like a sound massage that includes the vibration and song of the whole living plant which allows the plant to customize the music it plays to cause a disruption in any discomfort being experienced in the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies which magnifies the medicinal benefits received while listening to its song.

Could improving your health through a naturally sustainable and soothing modality be as simple as enjoying a relaxing sound massage from a living plant who plays customized music specific to your needs?

​100s have received the benefits of Plant Music Therapy™ and now YOU CAN TOO!

The Creation of Plant Music Therapy™ was inspired by a series of spiritually guided events.

Teresa Helgeson, C.Ht., RMT became a Certified Hypnotherapist at the Day of Miracles School of Integrative Healing in 2003 with specialized training in Cellular Release Therapy™ and Medical Hypnosis.

She studied sound healing with sound pioneer Jonathon Goldman in 2006 and became a member of the Sound Healer’s Association. In 2008 she attended the International Center for Reiki Training and became an Usui Reiki Ryoho Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki Master. Teresa continued her studies through the Infinite Light Healing Studies Center, Inc where she became a Reiki Crystal Practitioner and Reiki Drumming Practitioner.

Teresa started her journey into the healing effects of plant music on the body, mind and spirit in 2014 and has since been known as the Plant Music Whisperer. The results of her Pilot Study have put her in high demand to present her findings at conferences around the country including the ISSSEEM Research Symposium and the Subtle Energy Retreat.


  • Lavender Spa
  • Gentle Giants
  • Waves of Change
  • Healing Hemps
  • Charming Children
  • Gotu Enlightenment
  • Sacred Scent
  • Soothing Sauve

by Rick Miklos
Plant Music From Mars
A different kind of Music
created by Plants

PLANT MUSIC FROM MARS is up at many online music stores.

A lifelong musician, Rick Miklos started playing the guitar as a child. From the late 1960s to the beginning of the 1980s (while in college) he pursued his love of music on stage as a guitarist in a number of bands. A true “creator” in both music and visual arts., he received a Masters degree in computer graphics, which combined computers and video equipment to create pieces of visual art.

Rick is known for his artistry combining live guitar and guitar synthesizers. Most recently, after discovering the Bamboo, he has spent many hours recording and post-producing their songs toward the creation of his first plant music CD – Plant Music from Mars.

Plant Music is known to be very soothing and healing! Each piece in this collection was a direct recording of a range of varieties of plants using the Damanhur Bamboo device.

After making a number of singing plant recordings, Rick then processed each song in his audio software blending up to 3 pieces into the most incredible and unique assemblages – what he terms, “a different” kind of music!

This collection is truly a “concert performance from the plant kingdom” by Rick and his most talented plant companions! Each piece, from Dawns Truth to Opening Petals Dance magically opens the heart of all who listen.


  1. Planetary Transference
  2. Dawns Truth
  3. And the Rain Begins
  4. After It Rains
  5. Germinational Occurances
  6. Summer Sun
  7. The Flowering Valley
  8. Opening Petals Dance
  9. The Seedlings
  10. Releasing the Seedlings
  11. Evening Shadows
  12. Late Night Dreams

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